July 11 & 12, 2025
Washtenaw Farm Council Fairgrounds
We're in the news! Read about the Festival in these articles and highlights:
2024 Press:
July 8, 2024: “Pawesome” Corgi Races return to July 13 Michigan Celtic Festival in Ann Arbor | The Saline Post
July 2, 2024: Fun is Around the Corner at the Michigan Celtic Fest in Saline | The Sun Times
June 18, 2024: Michigan Celtic Festival July 12, 13 to Showcase Dynamic Band Line-Up | The Sun Times
June 17, 2024: Michigan Celtic Festival Announces Music Lineup | The Saline Post
June 9, 2024: Michigan Celtic Festival will offer Wee Folks fun for miniature Celts | The Saline Post
June 8, 2024: Michigan Celtic Festival Will Offer Wee Folks Fun for Miniature Celts | The Sun Times News
May 31, 2024: Highland Dancers to Compete at July 13 Michigan Celtic Festival in Ann Arbor | The Sun Times
May 28, 2024: Calling All Noble Steeds and Unicorns: The Michigan Celtic Festival Wants You | The Sun Times
May 28, 2024: Volunteers Requested for Michigan Celtic Festival | The Sun Times News
May 27, 2024: Volunteers Get a Free Michigan Celtic Festival Pass. Here's How You Can Help | The Saline Post
May 23, 2024: Newly Named Michigan Celtic Releases Friday Schedule | The Saline Post
2023 Press:
July 8, 2023: Fast and furriest: Corgis' little legs kick for finish at Saline Celtic Festival | Detroit Free Press
July 8, 2023: Saline Celtic Festival Starts with Booming Attendance | The Saline Post
July 7, 2023: 100 corgis, jousting and bagpipes: Find it all at the Saline Celtic Festival | Good Day on WTOL 11
July 4, 2023: Jim Peters Reveals the Mystery of Strawhenge As Saline Celtic Festival Nears | The Saline Post
July 2, 2023: Saline Celtic Festival – LittleGuide Detroit
June 30, 2023: Thunderous Hooves and Shining Armor Mark the Return of Jousting at Saline Celtic Festival | The Sun Times News
June 28, 2023: Jousting Knights Will Thrill Spectators at Saline Celtic Festival | The Saline Post
June 27, 2023: Saline Celtic Festival’s Bagpiping Bonanza Beckons this July | The Sun Times News
June 25, 2023: Saline Celtic Festival to host Seven Pipe & Drum Bands | The Saline Post
June 23, 2023: Fur-ocious Fun: Saline Celtic Festival Goes Pawsitively Mad for Corgi Races | The Sun Times News
June 22, 2023 : Come See the Corgi Races at the Saline Celtic Festival | The Saline Post
Saline Celtic Festival’s Melodious Summer Airs | The Sun Times News
June 17, 2023: Iconic Stonehenge Reimagined with Straw at the Saline Celtic Festival | The Sun Times News
June 15, 2023: Highland Dancers Will Compete at July 8 Saline Celtic Festival | The Saline Post
June 12, 2023: Saline Celtic Festival will offer ‘Wee Folks Fun’ for young ‘Celts’ | The Saline Post
Saline Celtic Festival (annarbor.org)
Saline Celtic Festival | Michigan
May 24, 2023: Saline Celtic Festival to Offer Dynamic Lineup of Bands | The Saline Post
May 22, 2023: Saline: The Perfect Balance of History, Festivals And Nature | Saline, MI Patch
May 15, 2023: Saline Celtic Festival Will Take Place July 7, 8 - New Location, and New Bands, Events and Activities! | The Saline Post
January 12, 2023: ‘It is a dream come true’: Saline Celtic Festival plans to expand, change locations this year | MLive, by Makayla Coffee
January 10, 2023: City of Saline, Celtic Festival to Part Ways | The Saline Post, by Tran Longmoore
2022 Press:
July 9, 2022: Spirits High as the Saline Celtic Festival Returns to Mill Pond Park | The Saline Post, by Tran Longmoore
July 8, 2022: The Saline Celtic Festival Starts Friday, Here's What You Need to Know | The Saline Post, by Tran Longmoore
July 5, 2022: Saline Celtic Festival will offer free music and dance workshops on July 8, 9, The Saline Post, by Sheila Pursglove
July 4, 2022: ‘Millie the Mill Pond Monster’ will roar at July 8, 9 Saline Celtic Festival, The Saline Post, by Sheila Pursglove
July 4, 2022: Saline Celtic Festival to host July 8 ‘Dance Party in the Park’, The Saline Post, by Sheila Pursglove
June 30, 2022: Five Pipes & Drums bands to perform at Saline Celtic Festival, The Saline Post, by Sheila Pursglove
June 29, 2022: Swordplay, jousting, living history, and more will be on tap at the Saline Celtic Festival, The Saline Post, by Sheila Pursglove
June 29, 2022: Celtic Festival celebrating its 25-year anniversary with music, entertainment in Saline, MLive, by Makayla Coffee
June 25, 2022: Saline Celtic Festival will offer dynamic musical line-up, The Saline Post, by Sheila Pursglove
June 25, 2022: Saline Celtic Festival volunteers could win $50 gift card!, The Saline Post, by Sheila Pursglove
June 24, 2022: Saline Celtic Festival’s Wee Folks Island offers fun for young ‘Celts’, The Saline Post, by Sheila Pursglove
June 20, 2022: Saline Celtic Festival is Set for July 8th – 9th at Millpond Park, The Sun Times, by Andy Nixon
June 17, 2022: Ancient athletics will be a highlight of Saline Celtic Festival, The Saline Post, by Sheila Pursglove
May 26, 2022: Saline Celtic Festival Highland Dance Competition is set July 9, The Saline Post, by Sheila Pursglove
May 10, 2022: Volunteer at Saline Celtic Festival in July and get a free pass, The Saline Post, by Sheila Pursglove
April 30, 2022: Saline Celtic Festival returns to Mill Pond Park on July 8-9!, The Saline Post, by Sheila Pursglove
Past Years' Press:
July 10, 2019: Jousting, Swordplay, and more on Tap for Saline Celtic Festival, The Saline Post, by Sheila Pursglove
July 9, 2019: Saline Celtic Festival Offers Fun for Kids on Wee Folks Island, The Saline Post, by Sheila Pursglove
July 8, 2019: CrossBow + Brother Crowe = Super Group 'CrossCrowe' at Saline Celtic Festival, The Saline Post, by Sheila Pursglove
July 8, 2019: Big Lineup of Bands Coming to Saline Celtic Festival, mlive.com, by Emma Dale
July 6, 2019: Thunderwüde to play Celtic, Americana and bluegrass at the Saline Celtic Festival, The Saline Post, by Sheila Pursglove
July 5, 2019: 'Brethren of the Blades' to Provide Exciting Combat at Saline Celtic Festival, The Saline Post, by Sheila Pursglove
July 4, 2019: "The Kreellers" Reunite for the Saline Celtic Festival, The Saline Post, by Sheila Pursglove
June 30, 2019: Sheepdogs Will delight Saline Celtic Festival Crowds, The Saline Post, by Sheila Pursglove
June 28, 2019: The Codgers are 'Super Stoked' to Play at the Saline Celtic Festival, The Saline Post, by Sheila Pursglove
June 16, 2019: Mill Pond Millie and Her Monster Family will Thrill Celtic Festival Crowds, The Saline Post, by Sheila Pursglove
June 13, 2019: 'Black Murray' is Coming to the Saline Celtic Festival, The Saline Post, by Sheila Pursglove
June 9, 2019: Saline Celtic Festival to Welcome 'House of Hamill', The Saline Post, by Sheila Pursglove
June 2, 2019: Grand Rapids Band 'Paddy's Cure' to Play at Saline Celtic Festival, The Saline Post, by Sheila Pursglove
May 29, 2019: Highland Dance Competition Celebrates 11th Anniversary, The Saline Post, by Sheila Pursglove
May 12, 2019: Volunteer for the Saline Celtic Festival and Get A Free Pass!, The Saline Post, by Sheila Pursglove
For past articles about the Saline Celtic Festival, see Sheila Pursglove's wonderful articles here:
Sheila Pursglove Article Archive